Tips for better practicing*Break the song up into small sections.
*Look for patterns and repetition. *Use these steps to make sure you are practicing the song correctly: Step 1 - Rhythm - Say the counts with a toe tap Step 2 - Note Names - Say the note names with a toe tap Step 3 - Fingerings - Do the fingerings with the note names and a toe tap Step 4 - Play it! **If you do not know a note name or fingering remember to use the fingering chart in the back of the book to help you figure it out! Set A goal for the week!Each week set a goal for what you want to accomplish. It should be something small and easily attainable in one week. Some examples are, play a long tone for 24 counts, be able to count and play the new rhythm, or learn the first 10 measure of a piece of sheet music for the upcoming concert.
What a good practice session looks like:Warm-up (5-10 Minutes)
Breathing Execises Long Tones Lip Slurs (Brass Players) Scales Method Book (10-15 Minutes) Assigned songs (Break the songs up into chunks - focus on the difficult spots) Study music symbols and terms Study notes and fingerings Practice counting rhythms (With a TOE TAP!) Sheet Music (10-15 Minutes) Practice small chunks of the music that are difficult for you Practice running through the entire song Your Choice (5-10 Minutes) Play through your favorite songs on the book Play through your favorite pieces of music Try to learn how to play your favorite song from the radio on your inst. |
Practice record Form - For Practice Time the Week of 5/28
Fill out this form completely and submit it by 11:55pm on Monday, June 4 to receive full credit and submit it by 11:55pm on Tuesday, June 5 to receive partial credit.